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Benefits of Monport CO2 Laser Engraver

Laser cutting machines are versatile in the sense that they can perform different operations depending on how the user or operator configures their settings. Laser cutting, engraving, marking, and even laser etching can all be performed by the same machine with different operating conditions, and each function lends itself to different types of applications. Let’s take a look at the four functions and how they differ:

Laser cutting is when a laser machine is used to cut entire shapes or sections out of the chosen material. High-powered CO2 lasers machines are the best option for cutting through plastics and metal substances, as they interact with the material directly, not just the pigment in the material. Some metals have high enough melting points that they cannot be cut with lasers, but virtually all fabrics and paper materials can easily be shaped into something new by laser cutting.

Laser engraving uses a high-powered laser to vaporize the surface of the material, leaving a visible marking with a depth between 0.02″ and 0.125″. Laser engraving is a useful process for personalizing or customizing an object made from wood, leather or stainless steel, but the process may be inappropriate for industrial parts-marking application as the depth of the cut can compromise aspects of the material that are critical to its performance.

Laser etching is a special type of laser engraving that makes extremely shallow cuts, typically just 0.001″ in depth.

Laser marking is typically used to create permanent bar codes or other traceability markings on metal products, such as medical devices or automotive or aerospace components. Laser marking does not cause any physical change to the material, as it is done with only a low-powered laser. The beam causes oxidation under the surface layer of metal, causing it to change color and leaving a permanent, high-contrast marking. Laser marking is effective on flat, curved and round surfaces.

Monport specializes in CO2 Laser Engraver, we currently have 40W 60W 80W 100W 130W 150W CO2 Laser Engraver。

  • This viewing window is made from special fire-resistant polyester with iron frames. The melting point of this polyester ranges from 432°to 488° and the ignition temperature of it is over 1000°, which can dramatically decrease the possibility of fire accidents caused by the heat of laser burning the materials.
  • Use the control panel to correct the focus automatically at the touch of a button — no more manual testing and adjustment. Equipped with X and Y stepper motors, this rail features efficient power transmission with high precision. The enclosed rail is designed to avoid smoke and debris and prolong the service time of rail units. Lasers emit radiation in the invisible form of light.
  • This pair of laser protective glasses is certified to protect your eyes against radiation damage by looking at the class 4 laser beam in any way (directly, indirectly, or even looking at the laser dot on a surface can damage your eyes).  
  • Whether your chosen software is LightBurn, RDworks, AutoCAD, or CorelDRAW, this Ruida digital controller can support the given platform. The Ruida Controller with a digital display can control the laser head, start or stop projects, adjust laser power and speed settings and so on.
  • The red dot shows the laser head position, marks the working path and frames the project sizes, assists you with more convenience and guidance.