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Beginners Guide to Laser Power and Speed - Monport

laser engraving speed and power settings

Wang wenting |

Welcome to the world of laser engraving and cutting! If you're new to this exciting and versatile technology, you might be wondering how to get started and achieve the best results. One of the most important aspects to consider when using a laser engraver or cutter is the laser engraving speed and power settings. In this beginner's guide, we'll cover the basics of laser power and speed, and provide some tips on how to optimize these settings for your projects.

Understanding Laser Power and Speed

laser engraving settings for different materials

Laser power and speed are two critical factors that determine the quality of your engraving or cutting results. Here's a brief overview of each:

Laser Power: This refers to the amount of energy emitted by the laser during operation. It is typically measured in watts (W) or milliwatts (mW). Higher power settings will result in deeper engraving or cutting, while lower settings will produce shallower results.

Laser power directly affects the cutting process in several ways:

Cutting Depth: Higher laser power results in deeper cuts, while lower power produces shallower cuts.
Cutting Speed: Higher power allows for faster cutting speeds, which can increase productivity.
Material Compatibility: Different materials require different laser power levels for optimal cutting or engraving.
Cut Quality: The appropriate laser power ensures clean, precise cuts with minimal charring or melting.
Laser Speed: This refers to the rate at which the laser head moves across the material during engraving or cutting. It is usually measured in millimeters per second (mm/s) or inches per second (in/s). Slower speeds will allow the laser to dwell on the material for a longer time, resulting in deeper engraving or cutting, while faster speeds will produce shallower results.


Tips for Choosing the Right Laser Power and Speed

Start with the manufacturer's recommendations: Most laser engravers and cutters come with a user manual or guidelines that provide suggested power and speed settings for various materials. This is a great starting point for beginners, as it will help you get a feel for how your machine performs.

Consider the material: Different materials require different power and speed settings. For example, denser materials like hardwood or acrylic may require higher power and slower speeds, while softer materials like paper or fabric may need lower power and faster speeds. Always test your settings on a small piece of the material before proceeding with your project.

Adjust for desired depth: If you want a deeper engraving or cut, increase the power or decrease the speed. Conversely, if you want a shallower result, decrease the power or increase the speed. Remember that increasing the power too much can cause damage to your material or machine, so always test your settings first.

Balance power and speed for efficiency: While higher power and slower speeds may produce deeper results, they can also take longer to complete and may cause more wear and tear on your machine. Experiment with different power and speed combinations to find the most efficient settings for your project.

Test and iterate: It's essential to test your settings on a small piece of the material before proceeding with your project. This will help you fine-tune your power and speed settings and avoid costly mistakes. Don't be afraid to make adjustments and try different combinations to achieve the best results.


How to Make the Speed vs Power Matrix


A power vs laser engraving speed chart is a helpful tool for determining the best settings for your laser engraving application. To create a matrix:
  1. Create a grid with power settings on the vertical axis and speed settings on the horizontal axis.
  2. Perform test cuts or engravings at each intersection of power and speed settings.
  3. Evaluate the results to determine the best combination of speed and power for your desired outcome.


Laser Cutting Matrix Test


A laser cutting matrix test involves performing test cuts at various power and speed settings to determine the optimal combination for your specific material and application. By evaluating the cut quality, depth, and efficiency at each setting, you can choose the best settings for your project.


Laser Engraving Matrix Test

Similar to the laser cutting matrix test, a laser engraving matrix test involves performing test engravings at different power and speed settings. The goal is to find the ideal balance that produces clean, precise engravings without damaging the material or sacrificing efficiency.



Mastering the art of laser power and speed settings is crucial for achieving optimal engraving and cutting results. By starting with the manufacturer's recommendations, considering the material, adjusting for desired depth, balancing power and speed for efficiency, and testing and iterating, you'll be well on your way to becoming a laser engraving and cutting pro. Remember that practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to experiment and learn from your mistakes. Happy engraving!